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  • Monday, July 17, 2023
  • 11:00
  • MEDSI clinic Otradnoye, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, Otradnoye village, 2, pathology department, farewell hall

 19th April 1961 ~ 6th July 2023

It is with great sadness in our hearts that we announce to our members that our friend Olga Morley passed away on July 6th.

On the evening of July 6th, a fire broke out in the business centre on Belorusskaya. People were trapped in the smoke-filled building. This tragedy has claimed one life… our dear Olga.

Olga Morley was the wife and best friend of David Morley, a great member of the BBC. Olga supported the BBC for many years with David and continued that support after he passed away 4 years ago.

Olga was a wonderful person, full of energy, life, and ideas…She was a good friend to many of us and she will be sadly missed. 

Olga's life should not have ended like this, but it did…

Sincere condolences to her son Stepan, family, and loved ones. 

May she rest in peace and remain in our thoughts forever

For all who knew Olga and would like to pay their respects 

Farewell ceremony will be held
on Monday,  July 17, at 11:00 
(Please come at 10:40) 

In the farewell hall
at the pathology department of the MEDSI clinic
address: Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, Otradnoye village, 2/1


Прощальная церемония состоится
в понедельник, 17 июля, в 11:00 
(Приезжайте, пожалуйста, в 10:40)

В зале прощаний
при патологоанатомическом отделении клиники МЕДСИ
адрес: МО, г.о. Красногорск, пос. Отрадное, влд. 2, стр. 1


A small wake will be held
on Monday,  July 17, at 14 :00
at Sous-Sol Bar and Restaurant
Trekhprudnyy Pereulok, 11/13, bld 2


После церемонии прощания 
приглашаем всех на поминки 
понедельник, 17 июля, в 14:00, 
в Sous-Sol Bar and Restaurant
 Трехпрудный переулок 11/13, с.2 (вход со стороны Б. Козихинского переулка)

All friends, all who knew Olga and would like to raise a glass for Olga are welcomed to attend


We leave here the bank details for those who want to help the family a little through a difficult time:

Beneficiar: Kondrashina Svetlana Bilyevna
Acc #: 40817810138266839523
Card #: 4276380118757637
Phone: +79166514048


Please take a look at the map in advance, how to get to the place of farewell. We will send an update later with more detailed instructions on how to get there.

If you have any further questions, please contact Svetlana Scott at [email protected] or +7 916 651 4048.


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